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Mr. Kewley's and Mrs. Demski's Class

Welcome to our class website!


Welcome to our class website!

  • On this webpage, you will find lots of content and information. You can find links to helpful websites and other important information. You will also find digital content that the students in our class have created. I hope you enjoy all that is here.


    Please be patient as I continue to update and improve our class website!


  • Freaky Frog Videos

    Since November, we have been learning about frogs and the adaptations that help them to survive. As a final project, students studied one specific frog and created a video to explain how they survive. I am thrilled with the results! It was a pretty abitious project, but they really turned out great! Students created the background pictures and information, wrote their script for their videos, and recorded, edited, and assembled their projects. The video making process is pretty in-depth and required the use of a green screen and 4 apps on their iPads. Below is one example of the projects. You can see all the videos on my YouTube channel.


  • Where is it difficult to access books?

    Over the first quarter of the school year, we have spent time learning about how people around the world access books and reading. We tied this reading into our social studies curriculum by studying physical landforms that make it difficult for people to access things that are easy for us to access. At the end of the unit, each student chose one physical landform and studied a place where this landform makes access to books difficult for the people that live there. This video is the product of that work. I hope you enjoy the video and appreciate all the hard work that went into this project!