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Wellsville Athletics



Spring Sports 2025

Click here to REGISTER FOR SPRING SPORTS (Registration is open until FEBRUARY 14)

DATE CHANGED: Mandatory Parent/Guardian Meeting will now be held on Thursday, March 20 - HS CAFE (was originally scheduled for 3/19)

5:15 pm Modified

6:00 pm Varsity/JV


Opening Day of Practice: Monday, March 17

Modified Sports: Softball, Baseball, Track & Field

JV Sports: Softball, Baseball

Varsity Sports: Softball, Baseball, Track & Field Girls, Track & Field Boys, Tennis, Golf


Please email rSchool Support at

with any registration questions or if you need assistance.

Helpful Hints for Registration:

Enrollment: You must be enrolled in our school to complete the registration process.

Existing Account Holders – You must use the same account (one per family) as you did for the previous season’s registration. Use the “Password Reset” option if you need to reset your password.  If you cannot remember the email address associated with your account, please contact the AD (585-596-2145 or or Parent Square msg) to retrieve it.  Do not open a second account. Add new athletes or sports to your existing account.

NEW USERS: Click on the Orange “W” registration to begin the process.

Eligible students – must be in grades 7-12 for the 2024-2025 school year. Athletes must have a current physical within the last 12 months on file with the nurse's office before participating in tryouts. Physicals are valid for 12 months from the date of the last approved physical exam.

Practice Schedule: (Posted here in March)


Link: Athlete Link: ImPACT Baseline Testing

Wellsville Athletes – POST IMPACT Baseline SURVEY


    Live Stream Now Available!

    Live Stream Link


    Athletic Director/District Administrator

    Ms. Mary Ellen O'Connell
    126 West State St.
    Wellsville, NY 14895
    Phone: 585-596-2145

    Support & Respect Athletic Officiating