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The Committee on Special Education (CSE) consists of a committee that is approved by the Board of Education.  The CSE is responsible for students who are between the ages of 5-21.  The responsibilities of the CSE are to determine eligibility for Special Education Services, develop and implement an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) and place students in the Least Restrictive Environment that adequately meets their academic needs.  If a student is determined eligible for Special Education Services, a disability classification will be determined at the New Referral Meeting. The CSE will meet at least once a year to review the student’s Program/Services.  A Reevaluation Meeting will take place every three years.  This will assist the CSE in determining if the student continues to require Special Education Services. 


CSE Members

  • The Parent/Guardian of the Child
  • Committee on Special Education (CSE) Chairperson
  • School Psychologist (Reevaluation Meetings / Program Review Meetings)
  • General Education Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Guidance Counselor
  • The Student (15 and older)
  • School Physician (if requested by the parent/guardian)
  • Related Service Providers (if applicable)
    • Speech/Language Pathologist
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Physical Therapist
    • Behavioral Specialist
    • Visual Therapist
  • Parent/Guardian may invite other individuals to attend Child’s Committee on Special Education (CSE) Meeting
    • Please notify the Special Services Department, prior to the Committee on Special Education (CSE) Meeting, as to who will be attending the CSE Meeting in addition to the CSE Members.

Important Information